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Prepare for Hurricanes

By Heather Brown
July 22, 2016

June 1st marked the first day of hurricane season. If you are an adult residential care home or facility located in a hurricane zone, it is important that you prepare for hurricanes now. Hurricanes bring high winds, a great amount of rainfall, and wreak havoc on the communities they hit. Areas prone to high hurricane ...

3 Keys to Successfully Relocating a Resident

By Heather Brown
July 15, 2016

Adult residential care home owners have a great responsibility in providing quality care to the residents in their home. Residential care settings offer different types of care from independent living to assistance with daily living tasks.  During their time in the home, the residents quickly become extended members of the provider’s family. Developing family-type bonds ...

Sitting Disease: How to Avoid it In Your Facility

By Heather Brown
June 24, 2016

Sitting disease is a new type of disease that is recognized by the scientific community but not yet by the medical community as a diagnosable disease according to This disease is seen in individuals that are not active daily and spend the majority of their day sitting. According the American Journal of Epidemiology, “the ...

New Residents: Are You Prepared?

By Heather Brown
June 10, 2016

Bringing new residents into your assisted living facility can be a daunting task for administrators.  Being sure that you are gathering all the information up front about your potential residents, can be the key to determining if you are able to offer them the level of care they need in their daily living. A few ...

Adult Day Service

By Heather Brown
July 31, 2015

The purpose of adult day care services is to provide seniors, or those who need assistance, a safe place to get out of the house to socialize and have a change of scenery. It is also to give the primary caregivers an opportunity to take a break from their care-giving in order to attend to ...