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Ring in the New Year with Your Residents

By Heather Brown
December 30, 2016

Holidays in an adult residential care home can leave some residents feeling lonely and sad. This is especially true when the joys and celebrations of Christmas have ended. Many think celebrating the New Year is for young people to take on the town. In reality, celebrating the New Year is for the young at heart ...

Celebrating the Holidays

By Heather Brown
December 23, 2016

The Christmas holiday is a time for family, giving, and celebration. Some residents find it difficult to embrace the holiday season in an adult residential care home. One recent study found that more than half of residents spend the holiday in the adult residential care home instead of at home with family. Administrators and staff ...

Seven Ways to Keep Resident’s Families Involved

By Heather Brown
November 11, 2016

Families place their loved ones in adult residential care facilities to receive top-notch care and improve their quality of life. Like any major move, the transition to assisted living care is emotional. Families and residents experience anxiety and nervousness about the change, loss of independence and new living arrangements. That is also why adult residential ...

Spring Time Activities for Your Residents

By Heather Brown
May 27, 2016

The dreary winter weather can negatively impact your resident’s attitude, morale and health. Having to be indoors for long lengths of time increases risk of depression and unhappiness in individuals. The good news is that spring time has arrived along with the beautiful weather and is a perfect time to get your residents outside. Depending ...

How to Keep Your Residents Healthy and Safe on a Hot Summer Day

By Heather Brown
June 19, 2015

With the summer heat soon arriving with extra warming temperatures it is wise to keep a close eye on the elderly in your residential facility since high temperatures can cause potential health risks. If you are in need of some heat busting tips to keep your residents health and safety at the forefront on hot summery days ...

Assisted Living Facilites and Field Trips

By Heather Brown
June 08, 2015

As long as you have adequate insurance coverage, you should ABSOLUTELY take your assisted living facilities’ residents on field trips. Changes of scenery may stave off depression and loneliness, improve mobility, and offer cognitive and social stimulation for those in an assisted living facility, adult family home, adult foster home, residential care facility, or personal care home. Activities for residents can be fun ...

Outdoor Activities For Your Residents

By Heather Brown
May 19, 2015

In a highly litigious society, keeping your elderly residents from slips, trips and falls, is of paramount concern.  When the weather is nicer, your residents often want to feel the sun on the face. Your social activities director, nursing staff, as well as the engineering department need to have a fully developed plan for the manner, ...

Valentine’s Day Is Here! Let’s Have Some Fun!

By Heather Brown
February 13, 2015

An important responsibility in any senior care center is finding ways to keep the residents involved in life the way they were years ago. Holidays are the perfect time to encourage their participation because it gives them something to anticipate and it can be a lot of fun. This participation helps to fight depression and ...